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  • About the Author: Rebekah Steele

    Rebekah Steele is a Senior Fellow in Human Capital and Program Director at The Conference Board. In this role, Rebekah brings thought leadership to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) strategi…

    Full Bio

07 Oct. 2020 | Comments (0)
Three Ways to Navigate Political Divides at Work
Even before Covid-19 many of us were divided - if not physically, certainly politically. We’re spending less time with family members who differ…

05 Jun. 2017 | Comments (0)
Disrupting Tech to Get D&I Right: 10 Essential Principles
The tech sector has a people problem. Indicators signal significant concerns inside many of these organizations, particularly for the women and racialized persons who beat the odds to make it through the door. Given the clear innovation and business value of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), a lack of commitment and proficiency to make the most of a broad mix of talent is not good news for tech leaders, employees, customers, or investors.

19 Apr. 2016 | Comments (0)
The Business Case for Homogeneity and Exclusion
D&I professionals do not object to being relevant to the mission of their organizations or to leveraging D&I as an enabler of business strategy. Most agree that all elements of the business, including D&I, must deliver results to help achieve the collective goals of the organization.

07 Mar. 2016 | Comments (0)
Metrics that Matter: More than Diversity ROI
Measuring D&I’s ROI (return on investment) helps leaders demonstrate the impact of their work by comparing the cost of a solution to its monetary payback, and demand for this metric continues to grow. A challenge in our field, though, is the limited investment often devoted to D&I initiatives.

02 Nov. 2015 | Comments (0)
Ban your Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
In the face of increasingly complex problems and progressively compelling opportunities, your Diversity and Inclusion goals and objectives are not going away. We have a responsibility to design innovative ways of working that can deliver better results.

15 Apr. 2013 | Comments (0)
Breakthroughs in Inclusive Succession Planning
Questions that reshape perspectives can fix talent management systems in ways that naturally enable broader diversity in leadership.

08 Jan. 2020 | Comments (0)
Learning to work with our differences: What D&I can learn from Restorative Justice
There is much we can learn from other fields and sectors to inform and advance our D&I work. Restorative Justice offers a compelling way of thinking about and managing differences in ways that resonate with D&I principles. By working together, with our differences, we can collectively build stronger organizations and communities.

02 Dec. 2019 | Comments (0)
Let's change the conversation about D&I
Many of us are familiar with pervasive D&I breakdowns that complicate our ability to deliver on the promise of diversity and inclusion for individ…

22 May. 2019 | Comments (0)
Breakthroughs with Design Thinking, Diversity, and Inclusion: Part 2
Progress in the field of D&I is sluggish and often fleeting. To achieve our critical goals for individuals and businesses, we must be willing to question familiar assumptions and re-consider the relevance and effectiveness of today’s best practices.

18 Apr. 2019 | Comments (0)
Breakthroughs with Design Thinking, Diversity, and Inclusion: Part 1
The stakes for getting D&I right are high, both for organizations and individuals. Unfortunately, many of our familiar D&I ‘best practices’ are inadequate amid ever-evolving demands and complicated contexts. To advance D&I outcomes, we need next practices.