As we prepare for a new President and a new Congress, we believe it is important for the nation's political leaders and its business leaders to work together in a bipartisan manner to tackle the critical infrastructure and investment issues now facing our country. For the last decade, CED Trustees have addressed important public policy issues that are vital to our future. In some instances, such as campaign finance report and our work in early education, we have enjoyed some notable success. In other instances, however, progress has been stymied by political stalemate in Washington, DC, and/or the absence of a strong, coherent, and focused business voice.
The issues facing our country require sustained focus and immediate action. Leadership and Shared Purpose for America's Future summarizes what we call CED's "unfinished agenda." At the top of this list are heath care reform, controlling our budget, trade, and savings deficits, reforming our entitlement programs, and investing in new infrastructure such as early education, sustainable energy, and the environment. We are pleased to have the financial support of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation to underwrite our efforts to enlist more American business leaders to support this reform agenda.