Lisa Cook on broadening participation in innovation
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Lisa Cook on broadening participation in innovation

As the US continues to grapple with the economic shocks of the COVID pandemic, lowering barriers to the full economic participation of all Americans in proportion to their talents remains one of the surest paths to strengthening the long-run outlook for the American workforce. Michigan State University economist Dr. Lisa Cook joins to discuss her research on the pernicious effects of discrimination on innovation and prosperity, and steps policymakers can take to address them.

As the US continues to grapple with the economic shocks of the COVID pandemic, lowering barriers to the full economic participation of all Americans in proportion to their talents remains one of the surest paths to strengthening the long-run outlook for the American workforce. Michigan State University economist Dr. Lisa Cook joins to discuss her research on the pernicious effects of discrimination on innovation and prosperity, and steps policymakers can take to address them.

Lisa Cook on broadening participation in innovation

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As the US continues to grapple with the economic shocks of the COVID pandemic, lowering barriers to the full economic participation of all Americans in proportion to their talents remains one of the surest paths to strengthening the long-run outlook for the American workforce. Michigan State University economist Dr. Lisa Cook joins to discuss her research on the pernicious effects of discrimination on innovation and prosperity, and steps policymakers can take to address them.

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