Webcast, Video, Photo Release
Permission and Release for Photographs, Videos, Webcasts, Recordings
In exchange for the opportunity to appear in podcasts, webcasts, recordings, news, trade, publicity, marketing, promotional, or other materials for business purposes of The Conference Board, Inc. (“TCB”) and/or its affiliates, I and/or my company will provide Content and agree that:
1. The Content is original. Any views expressed are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of TCB;
2. The Content does not contain third party materials except as disclosed in writing to TCB (please fill out in "Third Party" content field below) or appropriately credited in the Content;
3. I may be photographed, filmed, or recorded in connection with the Content;
4. TCB is granted a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable right and license to record, publish, distribute, reproduce, create derivatives of, or use in any manner the Content, together with my name, my company's name, my company’s logo, my voice, likeness/photo, recording, and biographical information, in whole or in part, alone or in combination, for any business purposes and in any format;
5. I represent and warrant that I have the full authority to grant the above license and permission to TCB;
6. TCB is released from any claim against it based on TCB’s use of my name, my company’s name, voice, likeness/photo, recording, biographical data, or Content. I am at least 18 years old and voluntarily provide this release without compensation;
7.TCB makes no warranties, and is not responsible for, any use of the Content by third parties; and
8. This release is governed by the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements entered into and performed there.
If any Content is owned by or attributed to my company, my company agrees to be bound by the above terms. I represent and warrant that I am an authorized representative of my company, that I have obtained the necessary corporate approvals, and that I possess the authority of my company to provide the above license and release to TCB. I affix my signature below both in a personal capacity and as an authorized representative of my company.
I certify that I have read the above, fully understand its meaning and effect, and agree to be bound by it.