China Center Chart Dive: Disability in the workplace—the next frontier for diversity & inclusion programs in China?

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Publication Date:
March 29, 2017
In our recent China Human Capital Planning Survey, an annual TCB member survey on HR conditions for MNCs in China, we asked member companies from a wide range of industries which dimensions are currently addressed in their company’s diversity & inclusion (D&I) initiatives in China, and which they consider important future focus areas. Only 9 percent of members said they currently focus on disability issues, but a staggering 43 percent went on to say that disability will be an important future focus area for D&I (by far the highest share among all the issues polled). Age, an issue that is already receiving significant attention from companies (and one that is closely related to disability), was also among the D&I issues that companies anticipate will receive a greater amount of attention moving forward.
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