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August 04, 2022 02:00 PM ET - 03:30 PM ET | Virtual Meeting
Publication: Making Measurable Progress on Racial Equality
As you know, in the summer of 2020, corporate America committed hundreds of billions of dollars to address racial inequality. It is an endeavor that companies are taking very seriously, as detailed in Corporate Racial Equality Investments—One Year Later.
We know from our discussions with ESG Center Members that many companies are grappling with how they can make a meaningful and measurable impact that goes beyond dollars spent and the number of individuals served. Is it even possible for companies to move the needle on issues such as economics, housing, and criminal justice equality?
At the Center Briefing, held in conjunction with our knowledge partner, The McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility, we addressed:
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Expert-led presentation for Members, held under Chatham House Rule, usually 60-90 minutes.
Greener Impact: Advancing Environmental Goals Through Corporate Citizenship
September 24, 2024
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Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.