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May 04, 2023 02:00 PM ET - 03:30 PM ET | Virtual Meeting
Just as companies needed to increase their workforce’s digital capabilities and skills, they need to do so with sustainability today. “Sustainability upskilling” is critical not only to comply with new laws and regulations and reduce risk but also to strengthen the company’s brand and take advantage of business opportunities. This briefing will address how to strategically upskill your workforce now and over time in ways that go well beyond traditional educational programs.
Participating in a Center Briefing is an exclusive benefit for our ESG Center Members, and there is no fee associated with this program. As with our other briefings, this session is held under the Chatham House Rule to provide a forum for a truly candid and constructive conversation.
Please click the registration link on the top of the page.
To inquire about the Center Briefing agenda and speaking opportunities please email Lindsay Beltzer, Senior Program Producer, at
For issues regarding registration, or questions about your company’s membership status, please contact Christine Guinessey, Member Engagement Associate, at
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Expert-led presentation for Members, held under Chatham House Rule, usually 60-90 minutes.
Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.
Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.