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February 16, 2023 11:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting
The ESG Center will host a Center Briefing on the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed “Non-Compete Clause Rule” (NCCR). The FTC’s NCCR would effectively declare non-compete clauses as per se violations of antitrust law and prevent employers from entering non-compete agreements with employees and require firms to rescind existing non-competes.
The rule, if adopted, would directly affect 20 percent of the US workforce who, according to the FTC, are bound by non-competes. It could also have a significant impact of companies’ ability to protect against the loss of trade secrets and business relationships that belong to the company, where non-competes are often the first line of defense.
The Briefing will feature two Partners from Weil, Gotshal & Manges: John Barry, Head of Weil’s Employment Litigation Practice Group, and Jeff Perry, Co-Head of Weil’s U.S. Antitrust/Competition Practice. They will discuss and answer questions on:
Participating in a Center Briefing is an exclusive benefit for our ESG Center Members, and there is no fee associated with this program. As with our other briefings, this session is held under the Chatham House Rule to provide a forum for a truly candid and constructive conversation.
To Attend
Please click the registration link on the top of the page.
For more information
For any issues or questions about the Center Briefing or your company’s membership status, please email the Evan Ladao, Program Manager, at
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Expert-led presentation for Members, held under Chatham House Rule, usually 60-90 minutes.
Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.
Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.