Hitting the Reset Button on ESG: Setting Strategy with the Broader Picture in Mind: Session Three
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ESG Center Working Groups

Hitting the Reset Button on ESG: Setting Strategy with the Broader Picture in Mind: Session Three

November 29, 2023 02:00 PM ET - 04:00 PM ET

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Session Three- Economic


This Working Group, drawing upon the research and resources of The Conference Board, will take a highly practical approach to (1) what defining we in the US are trying to achieve in the areas of the environment, the economy, and social well-being; (2) the respective roles of the private and public sectors in achieving those goals; (3) how companies can incorporate the broader picture in mind when integrating ESG into their individual business strategies; and (4) how companies can better collaborate with each other, and work more effectively in partnership with the public sector, to make progress.

In this third session, we will discuss economic issues and how companies can align strategies with broader economic goals.


Participating in a Working Group is an exclusive benefit for our ESG, Economy, Strategy, & Finance (ESF), and The Committee for Economic Development (CED) Center Members, and there is no fee associated with this program. As with our other Working Groups and Roundtable discussions, this session is held under the Chatham House Rule to provide a forum for a truly candid and constructive conversation. 

To Attend

Please click the registration link on the top of the page.

For more information

For any issues or questions about the Working Group or your company’s membership status, please email the ESG Center at ESGCenter@conference-board.org.


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